Our Approach

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Before DCF accepts an engagement, we research and assesses the efficacy of the client’s business model, objectives, sustainability, size, and scope. The firm determines if the client’s desired result is achievable.

Offering Materials

DCF sends a checklist for documentation requirements to the client. From the documentation sources, DCF prepares a comprehensive, clear, and concise description of the client’s business and strategy, distilling the key drivers and competitive advantages.

Financial Modeling and Capital Strategy

Once a financing opportunity is thoroughly vetted for feasibility, we prepare and complete loan request to share with our lenders. Our extensive experience in the industry has taught us exactly what information lenders are looking for, enabling us to design the package so that lenders can quickly and efficiently get to the heart of the transaction. DCF loan packages include property overviews, property financial information, relevant market information, thorough underwriting results and sponsor credentials.

Our executive summaries are praised for the financial models and a clear description showing the underwriters why the loan will be approved in the credit committee.

After narrowing the field, DCF will advise the client on the best pricing and negotiate all final terms and conditions of the funding(s) with our lender.

Process management

DCF will spendf the neccasry time twith our borrowers so we can identify best product for the client. DCF will use its strong and enduring long-term relationships to make the process seamless for our borrower.


Upon an acceptable plan structure, DCF will assist the client in all closing procedures until final funding occurs. Post closing, DCF will remain a resource for the client as needed.